A Blockchain for Impact

Druid Chain is an evolution in sustainable finance. Druid uses blockchain technology to source and record verifiable environmental, social, and governance data from around the world so that nature-based assets can be securitized and scaled at the point of impact.

Blockchain Network
Druid Chain is a proof-of-stake blockchain network for sourcing and recording verifiable impact data and for the securitization of projects and assets.
Druid Oracles are entities that provide environmental, social, and governance data to the Druid Chain from off-chain sources.
Data Protocol
Druid Data Protocol defines the data collection and verification process for verifiable impact claims on the Druid Chain.
Securitization Protocol
Druid Securitization Protocol defines the legal and regulatory requirements of impact tokens in each jurisdiction a financial product is transacted in.
At Druid Chain, we are focused on building the necessary tools to facilitate our vision to make the ESG economy robust and secure with a digital infrastructure that instils trust among all stakeholders. We have a long way to go, and to get us started, these are our current projects.
Druid Chain
Druid Green