Identity Protocol
There is a need for a fully digital interoperable identity. The current siloed approach is tedious, inefficient and expensive. Druid Identity Protocol aims to resolve these shortcomings by providing the standards for issuing and verifying digital credentials.
Self-Sovereign Identity

Standards enable the protocol to interoperate with other self-sovereign identity frameworks and platforms to create and verify an individual's identity.

Zero-Knowledge Proof

Druid Identity Protocol gives individuals control over their own data. This includes utilising a zero-knowledge proof mechanism to verify who they are without revealing any identifiable information.

Customer Due Diligence

Customer due diligence (CDD) is at the heart of know your customer (KYC) initiatives and anti-money laundering (AML) compliance programs. It is designed to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, human and drug trafficking and fraud. The Druid Identity Protocol is built to perform these operations as needed.


In accordance with the requirements of regulatory bodies and the jurisdiction a financial product is being sold in, every wallet has the option to perform CDD to verify the identity of its owner via Druid Chain to ensure that the wallet owner can buy or trade these financial products.

Paradigm Shift

Typically performing a CDD is an expensive and timely process for each vendor, but in the case of Druid Chain, the identity data is stored on-chain and owned by the individual. Each vendor will then request the user's data or use the zero-knowledge proof mechanism to authenticate and verify the data.

Use Cases
Make sure everyone is who they say they are. The Druid Identity Protocol provides the means to verify credentials which can't be tampered with while giving those with access the ability to quickly and securely store and retrieve information in seconds.
Banking & Finance
Shorten onboarding with digital credentials in seconds instead of weeks and lower the financial cost of performing KYC.
Reduce the complexities of authentication while providing privacy to ensure citizens are who they say they are.
Human Resources
Remote-first workers need a virtual solution to verify data digitally while ensuring the authenticity of the data.